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Dr. Stan Lester
Dr. Stan Lester has been sole principal of Stan Lester Developments since 1993. He has completed or managed over 150 projects for clients including employers, professional bodies and universities, as well as a wide range of public-sector departments and agencies in the UK and Europe. He is also a visiting academic at Middlesex University's Institute of Work-based Learning and associate with the Professional Associations Research Network in Bristol.
Stan has written widely on learning, development and accreditation issues. He is particularly interested in systems and frameworks associated with education and training and how they can be improved and redesigned through the perspectives of those working with and affected by them. His current work concerns professional qualifying routes, national qualifications frameworks and work-based learning and accreditation.
Stan has a diploma in training management, a master's degree in professional and vocational education and a doctorate in professional accreditation. He is a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development and a fellow of the Institute for Learning.
Outside work Stan enjoys sailing, walking and cycling. He is author of Around the Island: Britain in a hundred days, a sailing travelogue published by Avista Press in 2007.
Stan Lester Developments
Susan Bradshaw
Susan Bradshaw is employed by the Institute of Conservation to manage PACR accreditation and has been in that role for seven years. She has been involved in the development of PACR*, including two reviews of PACR. Her role includes the coordination of the application/assessment process and the CPD review process, the promotion of PACR and support for potential applicants, and the training of PACR assessors and mentors.
Susan has also worked as Regional Coordinator (Wales and West) for the Icon/HLF Bursary internship programme during 2006-2008.
Susan previously worked for the Society of Archivists (SoA) as their training officer for 7 years, planning and coordinating the training programme. During this time with the SoA she was involved with the early developments of PACR as the SoA is one of the PACR participating bodies. Prior to this Susan worked as an archive conservator for Devon County Council for 13 years.
Susan is a licentiate member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
*PACR (Professional Accreditation of Conservator-Restorers) Accreditation has been running for ten years. It is the professional practice assessment for conservation professionals wishing to gain accredited status. Accredited status demonstrates that a practitioner is a fully qualified and capable professional. The PACR accreditation framework applies a common standard across the profession, regardless of the route taken to reach a professional level, specialism and context of practice.
ICON The Institute of Conservation > Accreditation/CPD
Consultant in Architectural Conservation
Mr. Maxwell qualified as an architect in 1969, spending his professional career dealing with the conservation of ancient monuments and historic buildings until his retirement from Historic Scotland in 2008. He is a past Chairman of the Scottish Vernacular Buildings Working Group, and past Convener of the Scottish Conservation Forum in Training and Education; the Scottish Stone Liaison Group; and Scottish Historic Buildings Fire Liaison Group, He represented the UK on the European Commission COST Action C5 programme "Urban Heritage, Building Maintenance"; initiated, and was Chairman of the European Science Foundation's COST Action C17 "Fire Loss to Historic Buildings"; and is a member of the European Construction Technology Platform "Focus Area Cultural Heritage".
He has been active in the field of building conservation accreditation since the idea was initially proposed by the building surveyors professional body (RICS) in 1988, He subsequently established, and enabled, the UK wide pan-professional "Edinburgh Group" with the aim of working towards achieving a degree of unity in approach to accreditation across the building professions. This led to the launch of the popular supporting web site understandingconservation.org. He is doubly Accredited in architectural conservation by the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS), and by Architects Accredited in Building Conservation (AABC), and currently sits on the newly formed Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Accreditation Steering Group
Presently, he is also a member of the EU Cultural Heritage Identity Card and AHRC/EPSRC Science and Heritage Advisory Groups; the Journal of Architectural Conservation Editorial Advisory Board; and is an Honorary Member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Stone. He is also a Trustee of the Conference on Training in Architectural Conservation, and the Charles Wallace India Trust, and an External Examiner at Plymouth University's Masters Level Conservation Course.
He was awarded an OBE in the 2003 Birthday Honours List for his work in architectural conservation in Scotland.
March 2010
Chris Woods
Chris Woods is an Accredited Conservator with 25 years of experience working in the heritage sector. Chris is the Director of Conservation Ltd, which specialises in providing advice, management, practice and training in the care and conservation of archival and library collections and business records and supports the National Conservation Service . He is involved with the Chris's former public sector roles have included Head of Conservation & Collection Care at the Bodleian Library, Oxford University, and Director of Collection & Programme Services at the Tate Gallery, London. Chris has published, lectured and taught in a range of specialist fields, notably parchment manuscripts, archival seals and plastic photographic negatives. He has been a leading player in the professional arena, being a long-standing Trustee and Director of Icon, the Institute of Conservation, and former chairman of its predecessor UKIC.
He has led a number of national initiatives
- The PACR accreditation scheme for conservators
- The HLF-funded Internship Bursary Scheme
- The Conservation Technician Qualification
- Icon's Conservation Register
- Conservation Ltd
He is currently on the Heritage Lottery Fund's Register of Project Mentors, Advisors and Monitors and a visiting research fellow at University of the Arts London.
פרופ' עמוס נוטע
פרופ' אמריטוס, הטכניון, ראש היחידה לפיקוח בטיחות קרינה מייננת
יו"ר הנדסת איכות ואמינות, המכללה האקדמית כנרת
יו"ר אבטחת איכות ואמינות, המכון הטכנולוגי חולון
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